I always needed time on my own 我一向需要獨處
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry 從未想過難過時 會需要你在身旁
And the days feel like years when I'm alone 獨自一人的日子我度日如年
And the bed where you lie 在你睡的那一邊
is made up on your side 我已鋪好了床

When you walk away 當你跨步離開
I count the steps that you take 我細數你走過的每一步
Do you see how much I need you right now? 你知道此刻我有多麼地需要你嗎?

When you're gone 當你離開後
The pieces of my heart are missing you 碎成片片的心不斷地思念你
When you're gone 當你離開後
The face I came to know is missing too 熟悉的臉孔跟著消逝
When you're gone 當你離開後
The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day 我渴望的支字片語 將陪我度過漫漫長夜
And make it OK 希望它能支撐著我
I miss you 我好想你

I've never felt this way before 我從未有過如此的感受
Everything that I do 所做的每一件事
reminds me of you 都喚起我對你的回憶
And the clothes you left 你留下來的衣服
are lying on the floor 靜靜地躺在地上
And they smell just like you 殘留著你的味道
I love the things that you do 我愛你做的每一件事

When you walk away 當你跨步離開
I count the steps that you take 我細數你走過的每一步

Do you see how much I need you right now? 你知道此刻我有多麼地需要你嗎?

When you're gone 當你離開後
The pieces of my heart are missing you 碎成片片的心不斷地思念你
When you're gone 當你離開後
The face I came to know is missing too 熟悉的臉孔跟著消逝
When you're gone 當你離開後
The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day 我渴望的支字片語 將陪我度過漫漫長夜
And make it OK 希望它能支撐著我
I miss you 我好想你

We were made for each other 我們是天生的一對
I'm here forever 我會永遠在此
I know we were 我知道我們曾經也是
Oh oh oh oh oh

All I ever wanted was for you to know 我要讓你知道
Everything I do I give my heart and soul 我所做的一切都是付出全心全意
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me 我幾乎無法呼吸 我需要你在身旁

When you're gone 當你離開後
The pieces of my heart are missing you 碎成片片的心不斷地思念你
When you're gone 當你離開後
The face I came to know is missing too 熟悉的臉孔跟著消逝
When you're gone 當你離開後
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day 我渴望的支字片語 將陪我度過漫漫長夜
And make it OK 希望它能支撐著我
I miss you 我好想你


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